State Space Models with a Common Stochastic Variance


In the paper `State Space Models with a Common Stochastic Variance' by , an estimation method is presented for combinations of the stochastic volatility model
~ N(0, st2 )        
= exp(ht)
= fht + xt
~ N(0, sx2)
and the general linear state space model with a common fixed variance s2, that is
= ct + Zt at + Gt et,        
~ NID(0,s2 Ir),        
> 0,
= Tt at + Ht et,
= 1,¼, n,
where yt is a p ×1 vector of observations, ct is a p×1 vector of fixed effects (possibly containing regressor variables), at is a ma ×1 vector of unobserved states and et is a r×1 vector of disturbances. The system matrices Zt, Tt, Gt and Ht are assumed to be fixed for all time points t=1,¼,n. Unknown elements of the system matrices will be treated as parameters to be estimated by the method of maximum likelihood.
The two models are easily combined by changing the common fixed variance s2 in (2) with the time varying variance of (1).
This page presents the programs used in obtaining the results.

Programs and installation

The package contains the necessary files and data for estimating models in state space using simulated maximum likelihood. Unpack the file to a directory of your choice. For graphical output, either the original OxDraw routines of Ox 7 can be used, or alternatively one can install GnuDraw. The programs depend on the extended version of SsfPack, of Siem Jan Koopman.
The installation file contains a readme.txt explaining the contents of the package. Most instructive is the program ssfsvest5.ox which estimates an SV model based on settings in simox.dec.

Some usage hints

The package declares an object of type SSFSV(), deriving from the Ox Modelbase class. Using the standard Modelbase routines, a dataset should be set up, selecting the exogenous variables as usual.
The model is specified using a call similar to
Ssfsv.ChooseModel(<CMP_LEVEL, .05, 0, 0;
                   CMP_SEAS_DUMMY, .025, 12, 0;
                   CMP_IRREG, .15, 0, 0;
                   CMP_SV, .2, 0, .95>);

which would specify a local level model with seasonal effects, and a common stochastic variance component with, initially, standard deviation sx = 0.2 and persistence f = 0.95.
After setting up the model, estimation is done with the usual call to

Note that estimation can be time consuming, especially if the number of importance samples is large.

Selected results

With the above settings in the file declinfl/infl_llssv.dec copied over simox.dec, running the program
  oxl ssfsvest5

results in Ox output as displayed in Table 1 below, equal to results in . Graphical output is created to show the states estimates as in Figure 1, weights, residual analysis and much more.

Table 1: Results of optimisation

---- SsfSV ----
The estimation sample is:  1957 (1) - 2001 (9)
The dependent variable is: dLcuur
                  Coefficient     Confidence bounds        Score
s(Lev)              0.0296983  [  0.02042,  0.04319]  <2.423e-07>
s(Seas_dum)         0.0370710  [  0.02506,  0.05484]  <3.642e-07>
s(Irr)               0.139992  [   0.1061,   0.1847]  <1.805e-06>
s(SV)                0.216399  [   0.1467,   0.3192]  <2.384e-06>
phi(SV)              0.963198  [   0.9193,   0.9837]  <-2.103e-06>
log-likelihood     153.137492
no. of observations       537  no. of parameters           5
AIC.T             -296.274984  AIC              -0.551722502
mean(dLcuur)         0.350417  var(dLcuur)         0.0889883
Using maximum likelihood estimation and transformed parameters
with the exact likelihood
  in a time of 25:05.61


Table 2: State estimates as for the model with common stochastic variance

Routines in the package

Apart from the normal Modelbase routines, some added functions provided are
ChooseModel ChooseSVRep GetConfBounds
GetISWeights SetSampleZoom SSFSVLikelihood
TestAuxResiduals TestCorrelogram TestFinal
TestGoodFit TestGraphics TestISWeightGraphs
TestNormality TestParameterGraphs TestResiduals
TestSummary TestWeightGraphs


#import "include/ssfsv"
ChooseModel(const mStsm);
in: Matrix to indicate the type of State Space model. Apart from the standard Ssfpack elements, also components for an SV model, for GARCH or for ARMA are possible. See the declaration files for examples.


#import "include/ssfsv"
ChooseSVRep(const iMaxRep, const iSimSV);
ChooseSVRep(const iMaxRep, const iSimSV, const bApprox);
in: integer, indicating the maximum number of repetitions to use while searching for the approximating model (default=50, use -1 to keep old value).
in: integer, number of simulations used in the importance sampler (default=250, use -1 to keep old value).
in: boolean, indicating if an approximative (but quicker) likelihood should be used (default=FALSE).


#import "include/ssfsv"
ChooseTransform(const bUseTransform);
in: boolean, indicating if a transformation of the parameters should be used or not (default=TRUE)


#import "include/ssfsv"
SetSampleZoom(const iZoom1, const iZoom2);
iZoom1, iZoom2
in: integers, indicating indices of first and last observation to which we zoom in, e.g. when looking at the weight graphs.


#import "include/ssfsv"
SSFSVLikelihood(const vP, const adFunc, const avScore, const amHessian);
vP, adFunc, avScore, amHessian
See MaxBFGS; this routine provides the likelihood function of the model


#import "include/ssfsv"
GenerateSsf(const vP, asName);
in: Vector of parameters of the model
in: String, or array of strings, with name of variable, under which the newly generated data is stored in the database.


#import "include/ssfsv"
Return value
mWgt: 2 x iSim matrix with importance sampler weights.


#import "include/ssfsv"
Return value
mLU: iP x 2 matrix with the bounds of the (non-symmetric, if transformed parameters were used) confidence region.


#import "include/ssfsv"
SaveGraphics(const sGraphbase);
in: String with the basename for saving graphics; if the empty string is given, no graphs are saved.

TestAuxResiduals, TestCorrelogram, TestFinal, TestGoodFit, TestGraphics, TestISWeightGraphs, TestNormality, TestParameterGraphs, TestResiduals, TestSummary, TestWeightGraphs

#import "include/ssfsv"
TestAuxResiduals(vbSel, vbPlot, const dLimit, const bWrite);
TestGraphics(vbPlot, const bFilt, const iaLog, const iNLSeas);
TestNormality(const vRes, const sName);
TestResiduals(vbPlot, const iLag, const bWrite);
TestSummary(const bShow);
TestWeightGraphs(const vP, iW);

Set of testing routines, see actual programs for their usage.


Koopman, S. J. and Bos, C. S. 2004 , `State space models with a common stochastic variance', Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 22(3), 346-357. [ http ]

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