This page features articles and lectures on Islamic Finance/Op deze pagina kunt u doorklikken naar artikelen en voordrachten over Islamitisch financieren.

The third edition of Islamic Finance: Principles and Practice 2019.Visser Islamic 3ed.pdf;

A paper on ISLAMIC FINANCE IN NON-MUSLIM-MAJORITY JURISDICTIONS: REGULATORY ISSUES Islamic finance in non-Muslim-majority jurisdictions: Regulatory issues which has been published in Wim Decock and Vincent Sagaert (eds), Islamic Finance: Between Religious Norms and Legal Practice, Cambridge, UK: Intersentia 2019. See for the Table of Contents and the Introduction by the editors Islamic Finance: Between Religious Norms and Legal Practice. For copyright reasons the book chapter cannot be reproduced here, instead a preliminary version has been uploaded. Earlier versions were presented at the symposium on Islamic Finance between Religious Norms and Legal Practice, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, 6 december 2017 and at the FinConf 2nd Annual Conference, dedicated to innovation in financial services, Sarajevo 6 and 7 October, 2016.

A paper on THE LURE OF GOLD AND SILVER; DINARS AND DIRHAMS FOR THE 21ST CENTURY The Lure of Gold and Silver; Dinars and Dirhams for the 21st Century. This paper has been published in Béatrice Hendrich (ed.), Muslims and Capitalism: An Uneasy Relationship?, Baden-Baden: Ergon Verlag 2018. See Béatrice Hendrich (ed.), Muslims and Capitalism, prelims for the Table of Contents and the editor's Introduction to the volume. The paper is near-identical with the chapter in the book. For copyright reasons the book chapter cannot be shown on this website. Earlier versions were presented at the workshop on Non-Capitalist Islam—Yesterday's Ideology or New Horizon?, Oriental Seminary, University of Cologne, February 15 – 17, 2016 and at the XIIth ISINI conference, Groningen, August 24-26, 2016.

A paper on THE ETHICS OF ISLAMIC FINANCE presented at the XIIIth ISINI conference, Wroclaw 30-31 August 2018 The Ethics of Islamic Finance

Islamitisch bankieren draagt bij aan de emancipatie van de Islam, INTERVIEW door Jaap Koelewijn, vba journaal 31:123, najaar 2015, blz. 28-31 Interview Islamitisch bankieren

Reactie op: Islamitisch bankieren en financiële stabiliteit, ESB 100 (4717), 10 september 2015, 522,ële-stabiliteit

De inhoud en de slides van het college Macro 1.5 van 28 april 2014 over Islamitisch financieren: Islamitisch, Islamitisch financieren 2014.pptx

An article on Elgarblog on interest-free banking and finance, in particular Islamic finance and the ideas of Bernard Lietaer:

GAAT DE ISLAM ONS GELD REDDEN?, interview door Frederieke Hegger, One World,


Een artikel getiteld HET VERBOD OP RIBA: LUKT DAT, FINANCIEREN ZONDER RENTE?, verschenen in Tijdschfrift voor Openbare Financiën 44:4, 2012, 289-293.(speciaal nummer aangeboden aan prof. dr. Frank den Butter bij zijn afscheid als gewoon hoogleraar aan deze faculteit): 2012.TvOF_2012_-_n4_-_art-14.pdf

A (slightly sceptical) assessment of Islamic banking for an Arab Financial Forum conference on ethical investment, 6 November 2012, entitled ISLAMIC FINANCE: AIMS, CLAIMS AND THE REALITIES OF THE MARKET PLACE: 2012.Ethical Investment Study Chapt Islamic Finance.pdf

Hoofdstuk 2, De basisbeginselen van islamitisch financieren en financieren zonder rente in het jodendom, christendom en de islam, uit Omar Salah, red., Islamitisch bankieren: Van religieuze principes naar financiële transactiestructuren, Oisterwijk: Wolf Legal Publishers, 2011: 2011.Basisbeginselen islamitisch financieren.pdf

The text of a GUEST LECTURE at the UNIVERSITY OF TRENTO, ITALY on March 15th, 2011: 2011.Trento.Islamic banking.doc.

ISLAMIC FINANCE: DOES IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE?, Paper presented in the workshop Islamic Finance at the TBLI (Triple Base Line Investing) conference in Amsterdam on 13 November 2009, 2009.TBLI Islamic finance - does it make a difference.doc; 2009.TBLI PPP.ppt

Een artikel  over RENTEVRIJ FINANCIEREN: MIDDEL TEGEN KREDIETCRISES? uit Bank- en Effectenbedrijf 58:12, december 2008, 2008.Rentevrij financieren.B&E 58.12.pdf

De uitgebreide tekst van mijn afscheidscollege op 14 maart 2008, WAAROM EENVOUDIG ALS HET OOK INGEWIKKELD KAN: INTERESTVRIJ FINANCIEREN: 2008.Afscheidscollege.pdf

A paper on ISLAMIC FINANCE IN THE DUTCH RETAIL MARKETS, presented at a conference on Islamic Finance organised by DLA Piper on 26th November, 2007, in Amsterdam: 2007.DLA Piper.Isl.Fin.NL.doc

A conference paper on IS ISLAMIC FINANCE FEASIBLE IN EUROPE?, presented at the ISINI conference held in Bacăo, Rumania, on 24th August, 2007 and published in Buletin Ştiinţific of the George Bacovia University 10:2, 2007: 2007.Is Islamic Finance Feasible in Europe (ISINI IX, Bacau; Supplement of the “George Bacovia” University Scientific Journal (Buletin Stiintific) 102, 2007, 98-109).pdf

Een artikel over ISLAMITISCH FINANCIEREN, verschenen in het E-magazine van Speakers Academy, oktober 2004: 2004.Islamitisch_financieren.pdf

Een artikel over Islamitisch bankieren, uit Maandschrift Economie 62:6, 1998: 1998.Islamitisch bankieren.M.Ec. 62.6.pdf