MC2Pack Function Reference

Chapter contents

GetDraws GetLocationScale GetPackageName GetPackageVersion
GetParNames GetRNE GetTaper SetCandidate
SetConditional SetDebug SetEps SetGraphs
SetInfo SetIntegration SetLikelihood SetLimits
SetLocationScale SetMahalanobisFraction SetMethod SetOutput
SetParNames SetPosterior SetPrior SetRanPrior
SetSample SetTaper Cusum CumPlot
Marglik Simulate


Sampling methods
Candidate densities
Marginal likelihood computation methods

Table 1: Sampling methods

MC_MH Metropolis Hastings, see e.g. [Chib and Greenberg (1995)]
MC_IS Importance Sampling [Kloek and Van Dijk (1978)]
MC_APS Adaptive Polar Sampling, [Bauwens et al. (2004)]
MC_APIS Adaptive Polar Importance Sampling [Bauwens et al. (2004)]
MC_GG Griddy Gibbs Sampling [Ritter and Tanner (1992)]

Table 2: Candidate densities

MC_CNORM Normal candidate density (with location equal to preset value, scale a multiplication of last scale)
MC_CSTUD Student-t candidate density with df degrees of freedom, (with location equal to preset value, scale a multiplication of last scale)
MC_CRW Random walk candidate density with covariance matrix proportional to the last estimate of the covariance matrix
MC_CUSER User specified candidate density

Table 3: Marginal likelihood computation methods

MC_MLKERN Use a kernel approximation to the posterior density, to compute the marginal likelihood as the difference between the log-density and log-posterior kernel at a specific location
MC_MLLP Use a LaPlace approximation to the posterior density, to compute the marginal likelihood as the difference between the log-density and log-posterior kernel at a specific location
MC_MLHM Compute the likelihood over all sampled data points, and compute the marginal likelihood as the harmonic mean of these densities.
MC_MLGG Use a series of Gibbs chains, and derive the the marginal likelihood from the conditional densities.
MC_MLINT Use a pure multidimensional numerical integration to compute the the marginal likelihood.
MC_MLPR Sample from the prior and average over the corresponding values of the likelihood to compute the marginal likelihood.

MC2Pack function members


MC2Pack::GetDraws(const amTheta, const avW)

out: Pointer to matrix of size k x nTheta with sampled parameter values.
out: if !0 on input, 1 x nTheta vector with weights, for samplers using importance sampling, scaled such that the weights sum to 1. For non-importance samplers, equal weights are returned.
Return value
1 if a sample was recently run, 0 otherwise.
Return the draws of the last run of the sampler



Return value
Returns two arrays avMu and amS2 with both the first, initial, and the updated versions of locations and scale matrices of intermediate rotations.
Extracts the location and scale matrices of successive rotations.



Return value
String with name of package, in this case "MC2Pack"



Return value
Integer, version number of "MC2Pack" times 100



Return value
asNames: array of strings, parameter names
Return the names of the parameters being sampled



Return value
mRNE: iK x nTap matrix with relative numerical efficiencies, or 0 when no sample is available
Return the relative numerical efficiency according to [Kim et al. (1998)], with

= 1 +  2Bm

with K(j) the Parzen kernel, Bm the bandwidth and [^(r)](i) the ith order autocorrelation. The bandwidth, i.e. the number of drawings used in the computations, is set with SetTaper.



Return value
vTaper: 1 x nTap vector with tapering perunages
Return the values used in tapering, in computing the relative numerical efficiencies


MC2Pack::SetCandidate(const iCand, const xCand);

in: Either MC_CNORM, MC_CSTUD, MC_CRW or MC_CUSER, see also table Candidate densities
in: Meaning depends on cForm. If cForm is
double dFact
vector with dFact and degrees of freedom of Student-t density
double dFact
function of format
            fnRndCand(const iR, const vTheta, const vMu, const mCS2,
                      const amCand, const avLnDens)
with inputs
in: integer, number of vectors to be drawn
in: iK x 1 vector of last draw
in: iK x 1 vector of location parameter
in: iK x iK matrix with choleski decomposition of scale matrix
and outputs
out: iK x iR matrix of random vectors drawn from candidate density
out: 1 x iR vector with logarithm of density in amCand.
No return value
Select the functional form of the candidate density to be used. The value dFact specifies the multiplication factor for the choleski decomposition of the last covariance matrix. For MC_CNORM, MC_CSTUD a value slightly larger than 1 would be logical, for MC_CRW a small value e.g. 0.05 is better.
Note that the matrix mCS2 may be singular, when only a subset of parameters should be sampled as indicated through the SetConditional(vInd, -1) function.


MC2Pack::SetConditional(const vInd, const fnRanCondGG)
MC2Pack::SetConditional(const vInd, const fnRanCondGG, const fnDensCondGG)

in: iI vector with indices into the parameter vector, indicating which parameters are sampled from this conditional density.
in: function which samples from the conditional density for elements vInd. Function should be of the format
ir= fnRanCondGG(const vInd, const avP)
The function should replace the elements avP[0][vInd] with newly sampled elements.
If, instead of a function, a number (e.g. -1) is passed along to SetConditional, the parameter is skipped in the simulation.
in: (optional) function which computes the logarithm of the conditional density for elements vInd, conditional on the other elements. The function should be of the format
dLnDens= fnLnDensCondGG(const vInd, const vP)
The function should compute the logarithm of the conditional density of the elements vP[vInd], conditional on the other elements. Note that the conditional density should contain all integrating constants.
The function is only used for computing the marginal likelihood using the Gibbs method, see MargLik(MC_MLGG, ...).
Return value
1 if everything went correctly, 0 in case of problems
Indicate the sampling function from the analytic conditional density for the (Griddy) Gibbs sampler.


MC2Pack::SetDebug(const iDebug)

in: integer, level of debug information.
No return value
Set the level of debugging information to be generated. Default is 0, no extra information.


MC2Pack::SetEps(const dEpsAbs, const dEpsRel)

in: double, absolute precision used by QuadPack in MC2Pack, default 0
in: double, relative precision used by QuadPack in MC2Pack, default 1e-2
No return value
Set the level of precision during the integration routines.


MC2Pack::SetGraphs(const bShowGraphs)

in: boolean, indicating if graphs should be shown (default=TRUE)
No return value
Indicate if intermediate graphics should be shown on the screen


MC2Pack::SetInfo(const iInfoRep)

in: integer, number of iterations between printing info. Default= 1000 (accepted) drawings
No return value
Change the setting of the number of iterations between printing a report on the expected time until termination.


MC2Pack::SetIntegration(const iAdaptive, ...)
MC2Pack::SetIntegration(const iAdaptive, const iBounds, const bSMax, 
                         const bSeparate)

in: integer, indicating the method of integration
0: non-adaptive QNG (default)
1: adaptive QAG
2: iterative Simpson
in: integer, indicating change of bounds, with
0: No change
1: Change both bounds (default)
2: Use integration from -¥ to +¥
in: boolean, search maximum? (default= TRUE)
in: boolean, indicating if integration should be separated (fixing p(h|r = 0) at 0) or not. Default is true, only used for APS/APIS sampling.
No return value
Specify the method of integration.


MC2Pack::SetLikelihood(const fnLikelihood)

in: function, of same format as in MaxBFGS
No return value
Specify the function which returns the average loglikelihood, where the averaging is done with respect to the number of observations specified in SetLocationScale.


MC2Pack::SetLimits(const mLUBounds)
MC2Pack::SetLimits(const mLUBounds, const mBC)
MC2Pack::SetLimits(const mLUBounds, const mBC, const bChangeLU)

in: iK x 2 matrix with bounds on the parameters.
in: iR x iK+1 matrix, consisting of iR x iK matrix mB with a iR x 1 vector mC added, indicating the linear restraints mB*vTheta <= mC
in: Boolean, if TRUE the bounds mLUBounds are adapted between rotations to the average between the (empirical bounds +- 10 bounds, in such a way that the original bounds are never enlarged. Default= FALSE.
No return value
Set the limits for the sampling using APS/APIS/Griddy Gibbs


MC2Pack::SetLocationScale(const avMu, const amS2, const iN, 
                           const bOptimize, ...)
MC2Pack::SetLocationScale(const avMu, const amS2, const iN, 
                           const bOptimize, const asNames)

in: (column) vector, initial value of mean
in: matrix, initial value of covariance
in: Integer, number of observations contained in the posterior.
in: boolean, indicating if initial values should be used as a starting point for an optimization to find the posterior mode.
in: (optional) array of strings with names of parameters
out: vector, initial value of mean used for sampling (unchanged if bOptim was false)
out: matrix, initial value of covariance used for sampling (unchanged if bOptim was false)
Return value.
Value according to MaxBFGS, or MAX_CONV if bOptim was false
Provide a starting point for the sampler


MC2Pack::SetMahalanobisFraction(const dFrac)

in: double, the fraction of improvement in the Mahalanobis distance that warrants repeating a rotation, default= 0.5
No return value


MC2Pack::SetMethod(const iMethod)

in: Method, one of MC_MH, MC_IS, MC_APS, MC_APIS, MC_GG, see table MCMC sampling Methods
No return value
Choose the method of simulation


MC2Pack::SetOutput(const sResbase)
MC2Pack::SetOutput(const sResbase, const bRewrite)

in: string, base-name of output files
in: boolean, optional argument, indicates if output file is rewritten (default is FALSE)
No return value
Indicate the base-name of the output files. By default, output is written to files with name mcmc<method>. If bRewrite=TRUE (default), textual output file is rewritten.


MC2Pack::SetParNames(const asNames)

in: array of strings, parameter names
No return value
Set the names of the parameters being sampled


MC2Pack::SetPosterior(const fnPosterior)

in: function, of same format as in MaxBFGS
No return value
Specify the function which returns the average log-posterior, where the averaging is done with respect to the number of observations specified in SetLocationScale.


MC2Pack::SetPrior(const fnPrior)

in: function, of same format as in MaxBFGS
No return value
Specify the function which returns the average log-prior, where the averaging is done with respect to the number of observations specified in SetLocationScale.


MC2Pack::SetRanPrior(const fnRanPrior)

in: function, of format as in
      mU= fnRanPrior(iR);

Return value
iK x iR matrix with iR draws from the prior.
Specify the function which returns iR draws from the prior


MC2Pack::SetSample(const vRep, ...)

in: vector of size iRot, or scalar, number of repetitions of drawing sampled parameter values in each of the rotations
in: vector of size iRot, or scalar, number of drawings which are disregarded for a burn-in period
in: vector of size iRot, or scalar, number of drawings from which one drawing is saved (ie, if vSkip = 1, all drawings are saved)
in: vector of size iRot, or scalar, number of iterated rejections of the Metropolis-Hastings step, before an acceptance is forced.
in: vector of size iRot, or scalar, number of directions which are sampled in the case of APS/APIS sampling
No return value
Set the size of the sample


MC2Pack::SetTaper(const vTaper)

1 x nTap vector with tapering perunages, or number of parameter vectors to use. Default= <0.05, 0.15>
No return value
Set the values used in tapering, in computing the relative numerical efficiencies


MC2Pack::Cusum(const bAdapt)

in: Boolean, indicating if Cusum plots should be adapted to the variance of the sample
No return value
Prepares and shows a Cusum plot according to [Yu and Mykland (1998)].


MC2Pack::CumPlot(const viCum)

in: integer, or vector of integers, with length of past to account for in cumulative mean plots. Default (if NaN is passed along) is 100.
No return value
Prepares and shows a cumulative mean plot.


Marglik(const iMethod, ...)

The actual inputs depend on the method which is chosen for computing the marginal likelihood. Possible inputs are:
in: One of MC_MLKERN, MC_MLLP, MC_MLHM, MC_MLGG, ML_MLINT, MC_MLPR, MC_MLIS (see also table 3), indicating the method to be used.
in: iK x iP matrix with iP location vectors for computation. If not provided, the mean of the sampled drawings is used.
in: k x k covariance matrix. If not provided (or M_NAN) the numerical approximation to the covariance is used.
in: Number of repetitions to be used in the Gibbs chain, in the prior sampling, or in the importance sampling. If not provided, the number of repetitions in the last iteration is used. Do not put this number too high, as computing the marginal likelihood using the Gibbs method may be a lengthy operation.
in: Number of intervals using in numerically integrating the posterior density, when using the method MC_MLNUM. Default= 20. Put this number very low, as the numerical integral in iK dimension may take a tremendously long time.
in: Double, fraction of sample to use in Harmonic Mean computations, or number of parameter vectors (if > 1). Default= 1.
The following table gives the arguments for each of the computation methods, and functions which have to be set before calling Marglik:
Method Arguments Functions used
MC_MLKERNvMu Posterior
MC_MLLP vMu, mS2 Posterior
MC_MLHM dFrac Likelihood
MC_MLGG vMu, nRepPosterior, Conditionals (if available)
MC_MLINT nInt Posterior
MC_MLPR nRep Likelihood, RanPrior
MC_MLIS vMu, mS2, nRep Prior, Likelihood
Return value
1 x iP vector with logarithm of marginal likelihoods at locations vMu.
Compute the marginal likelihood of a model, using either a kernel approximation, a LaPlace approximation, the harmonic mean method, the Gibbs approximation, brute force numerical integration or sampling from the prior density. See [Bos (2002)] for an overview and further references.



Return value
Array with components vMu, mS2, the mean and covariance of the final sample.
Initiates the sampling routines. Output is in the text file as indicated by SetOutput with extension .out, and in a data file with extension .fmt. The data file is of size nDraws x k or nDraws x k+1, with the extra column containing the log-weights of the importance sampling algorithms.


[Bauwens et al. (2004)]
Bauwens, L., C. S. Bos, H. K. Van Dijk, and R. D. Van Oest (2004). Adaptive radial-based direction sampling: Some flexible and robust Monte Carlo integration methods. Journal of Econometrics , #25. Forthcoming.
[Bos (2002)]
Bos, C. S. (2002). A comparison of marginal likelihood computation methods. In W. Härdle and B. Ronz (Eds.), COMPSTAT 2002 - Proceedings of Computational Statistics, pp. 111-117.
[Chib and Greenberg (1995)]
Chib, S. and E. Greenberg (1995). Understanding the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. The American Statistician  49 (4), 327-335.
[Kim et al. (1998)]
Kim, S., N. Shephard, and S. Chib (1998). Stochastic volatility: Likelihood inference and comparison with ARCH models. Review of Economic Studies  64, 361-393.
[Kloek and Van Dijk (1978)]
Kloek, T. and H. K. Van Dijk (1978). Bayesian estimates of equation system parameters: An application of integration by Monte Carlo. Econometrica  46, 1-20.
[Ritter and Tanner (1992)]
Ritter, C. and M. A. Tanner (1992, September). Facilitating the Gibbs sampler: The Gibbs stopper and the Griddy-Gibbs sampler. Journal of the American Statistical Association   87 (419), 861-868.
[Yu and Mykland (1998)]
Yu, B. and P. Mykland (1998). Looking at Markov samplers through cusum path plots: A simple diagnostic idea. Statistics and Computing  8 (3), 275-286.

MC2Pack version 2.01. ©Charles S. Bos

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On 17 Aug 2004, 14:57.