Page 5 - Understanding the Basic Dynamics of Organizing
P. 5

Understanding the Basic Dynamics of Organizing

Social Impact

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A great students' initiative: Bricola

Academic can achieve success in many ways, but we 

derive the highest academic honour from student 

entrepreneurial activities based on our teachings.

Bricola is an interesting example. Bricola is an enterprise 

established by a group of students including students of 

VU University. Their core idea is that groups of students 

of a diverse background from think tanks that will assist 

companies to cope with their problems.

The name Bricola is derived from Bricolage, which refers 

to the use of means that are readily available; an optimum 

balance between knowledge and inventiveness. This 

concept has been introduced into organization theory by 

Karl Weick. Weick's organization model has been further 

developed in Rotterdam into the Social Integration 

Theory that is the core model of our book.

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