Advanced Programming in Quantitative Economics


This page contains the material for the course on Advanced Programming in Quantitative Economics at the Danish Graduate Program in Econometrics. This is a graduate program for Economics students at the University of Aarhus and the University of Copenhagen, in cooperation with CREATES.

The course is taught in the week of 23-27 August 2010, at the University of Aarhus, by Henning Bunzel and myself.

The material for the course will be made available and/or updated for a large part during the week. Before that time, some of the links below may be missing.


The exam for the course is due before Friday October 22, 2010, at 9:00AM to

Note that the original version of the exam contained a typo in the equation concerning the first observation. It should read

  r_0 ~ N(mu, s_0^2)
The original version claimed that the expected return was 0 instead of mu.


Material for the Programming course:
Program Program for the week
Exercise elim, e0_elim.ox Initial exercise, to study before the course
ibm0908tick.csv IBM Tick data, September 2008
fxukjpdm.mat FX exchange rate data fxukjpdm.mat
genrdur.fmt Some generated duration data (1000 rows with y, x1, x2) List of files for students
t.ox Template t.ox for starting new file
backsubst.ox File for backsubstitution, as typed in Monday afternoon class.
nedit.rc Nedit settings file, place in $HOME/.nedit. Includes all kinds of settings for Ox and LaTeX, on Linux Three strages of the program on OLSGen, estimating the regression model using Maximum Likelihood
Lecture Tutorial Syntax
Monday 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up
Tuesday 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up
Wednesday 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up
Thursday 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up
Th alt 1up, 4up
Friday 1up, 4up 1up, 4up 1up, 4up
All 4up zip 4up zip

Installation material

Other material

An Ox users list is available at JiscMail.

Another way of getting started with Ox is to study the Introduction to Ox by Jurgen Doornik and Marius Ooms.